New Client Questionnaire Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Client Name *FirstLastEmail *Please enter your email, so we can follow up with you.I have read the FAQ's Page *YesI understand the tools that you use for training. *YesAddress *City *State *Zip Code *Phone Number *The best number to reach youDog's Name *Breed/Mix *DOB/Age *Weight *Color/Unique Markings *Please check all that applyMaleFemaleIntactSpayed/NeuteredHow did you hear about us? *Former ClientInternetAdvertisement BreederOtherName of ReferralHow long have you had your dog? *Were there previous owners?YesNoIf yes, why was the dog given up? Type of IDMicrochipRabies/License tagName TagTattooOtherIf other, please specifyWho is authorized to pick up your pet?Desired Service *Puppy Training ($3200)Three Week Board and Train ($2450)Behavioral Rehabilitation ($3200-$4700)Doggy DayTraining (Prices Vary)Emergency Contact's Name *Emergency Contact's Phone Number *Veterinarian's Name *Veterinarian's Phone Number *Important Medical InformationDoes your dog have allergies? *YesNoIf yes, list allergies here.Does your dog take medications? *YesNoIf yes, please list: medication, dose and time of day givenBrand of dog food *How much do you feed your dog per day? *Is your dog reliably house trained *YesMostly (infrequent accidents)NoWhat type of exercise does your dog get? (If not receiving any exercise at this time, note “none” and the reason.) *Is your dog crated at night and when unsupervised? *Does your dog bark or growl in the crate? *Does your dog have accidents in the crate? *Check the behaviors that apply to your dog *AgressiveJumps on peopleMouthing/NippingSteals food/objects/trashGuards food/toys/chewiesPlay bitingExcessive vocalization when alonethreatening/biting strangersfearfulpulls on leashchews furniture/propertydarts out doors/gatesexcessive attention seekingexcessive vocalization when homethreatening/growling at other animalsanxious when alonedestructive when aloneescapes from yardjumps on furnitureunderstands but will not obeythreatening/biting family membersIf you checked that your dog is aggressive, please describe.If you checked that your dog is fearful, please describe.Please list other behaviors that may not be listed above.Has your dog been trained before? If yes, how and what methods? *Has your dog ever bitten anyone? If yes, please describe in as much detail as possible. *Has your dog ever bitten an animal? If yes, please describe in as much detail as possible. *Does your dog growl, bark, or lunge at other dogs, humans, or children? If so, please specify. *Does your dog let you groom him/her or touch his/her nails? *Does your dog let you put on/take off collars? *Does your dog react negatively to touching/petting? *Is your dog aggressive when people approach his/her food? *Is your dog aggressive when people try to take his/her toy away? * Does your dog growl when you try to move him/her off furniture? *Please check all that apply *Crate TrainedJumps FencesDestroys BeddingInvisible fence trainedWhat are your training expectations? *WebsiteSubmit